Wednesday, May 12, 2010

March 24, 2010

A Weekly AMALGAM of Views, News and Events
Grand Rapids Chapter
March 24, 2010

It has been brought to my attention that the editor, Perry White, otherwise known as “Chief” made a rather inglorious mistake in his last newsletter. I think he has become rather senile at this point in time, having been the editor of the Daily Planet for all these years, and I think we should cut him some slack. I would guess his age to be 110 and counting……Anyway, the mistake was thus: The SPRINGFEST PARTY will be held on Tuesday, April 27, 2010 at the Grand Valley Armory from 5:00 P.M. to 7:30 P.M. Please ignore the date mentioned in the last newsletter (Some of you already have ignored the last newsletter, so the caveat does not apply to you).

The meeting held on March 24 at the Pietro’s was a real treat with Harvey Meeker’s daughter, Melinda Russell, presenting her “Send Out Cards” program. The meeting began by having Larry introduce Melinda to the chapter. Melinda confessed to the chapter that Larry Nix cannot be trusted. (It was in all the papers). After Larry retreated back to his chair in hopes of redeeming himself, Melinda began her presentation. The Send Out cards program consists of greeting cards for all occasions which can be sent through the internet. There are 15,000 cards types and styles on file broken down into 542 separate categories. Those of the male persuasion take only 37 seconds to select a card type or style. Females, on the other hand, tend to take an average of 3 minutes to make a selection (Who said art imitates life?). The cost of sending these cards costs less than $1.00 and the sender pockets the postage savings of $0.44 and also gets the satisfaction of knowing that the piece of mail will actually get delivered (using the internet). She is also a Level-4 card sender which she earned by sending out over 1,400 cards this year. Melinda reiterated that cards can be sent for unexpected thank you(s). Tom Smith won the door prize (Harvey Meeker’s favorite recipes) after Patti carefully chose Tom’s name from the hat. Many thanks to Melinda for her presentation.

Ms. Elaine Martin paid us a visit at the AMBUCS meeting. Ms. Martin in the principal at the Ken-O-Sha School for children who have special education needs. She indicated that the budget for this school year was cut by 10% due to the recession and things are getting desperate. The school equipment and furniture is in a dire state of repair and the AMBUCS chapter has attempted to fill the gap in funding. Ms. Martin thanked the Grand Rapids AMBUCS for their support in this matter. AMBUCS has been a friend to Ken-O-Sha for years and will continue to do so.

The list of officers for the coming year starting 6/01/10 is as follows:

Larry Nix, President (His picture can be found at most post offices on the wall under the “Most Wanted” postings).
Norm Van Sickle, Vice President
Tom Cook, Treasurer
Mike Trenshaw, Secretary
Tom Smith, Sergeant-at-Arms (Worm finally found his true vocation as he graduates from AMBUCS to become a professional tax collector. We wish him well and often).
Doug Bandos, Sponsorship
Social Activities, John Free
Friendship/Membership, Patti Watson
Information, Joe Ducharme and Fred Garver

Patti Watson mentioned that dates are available for the Texas Hold’em tournament at the Lincoln Country Club on May 23-25, 2010. She will have to bring this up again for discussion as most of the AMBUCS members were elsewhere in Sweet Tooth Heaven eating Marge’s wonderful doughnuts…..

Marge’s Doughnut Den, 1751 28th St. S.W. is hosting an open house for John & Marilyn Free (Big Brother/Big Sister) on Sunday, March 28, 2010 from 3:00 P.M. to 6:00 P.M. All AMBUCS members are invited.

Remember, campers, there will not be an AMBUCS meeting next Wednesday, March 31, 1010 (fifth Wednesday).

Last but not least, Judd Freeman won the $2 split pot prize after Tom Smith perjured himself claiming he was the winner of the pot. Tom will be held in contempt of court for the next month while “Judd, for the Defense” makes his opening arguments.

Here is the AMBUCS schedule for the month of April:

April 7, 2010 Membership Meeting Pietro’s starting at 12:15 P.M.
April 14, 2010 Board Meeting Pietro’s starting at 12:15 P.M.
April 21, 2010 Membership Meeting Pietro’s starting at 12:15 P.M.
April 27, 2010 Spring Fest Party Grand Valley Armory (5:00 P.M)*
April 28, 2010 Membership Meeting Pietro’s starting at 12:15 P.M.

*Volunteers need to report at 3:00 P.M.

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